Monday morning began at 5 a.m. because Madalyn wanted to go on a boat ride. We were scheduled to leave for the dock at 8:00a.m. The truck arrived right on Haiti time around 9 and we loaded it with our boxes , one month worth of food and a few supplies for the guest house on the island. There were several phone calls to answer and unexpected “problems” to solve so our journey began around 11. By now the day was already feeling long to us but Madalyn was exhausted. We stopped several time to look for an umbrella to protect her from the sun on the boat but with no success. Then just as we were nearly out of town she had to have a ladies room. The timing was good and our driver knew of a small restaurant nearby. We were very thankful to not have to attempt nature’s restroom with such a sleepy little girl. The roads out of town were very nice and with the mountains on one side and the beaches on the other we enjoyed an air conditioned 1 ½ hour drive. Madalyn finally slept. Then the 2 hour boat ride began. It was beautiful but not something I want to do often with a 2 year old. The sun was extreme and every piece of skin that didn’t get enough lotion is now bright red. Upon landing we were greeted by our truck driver who took us to the Mission compound where lunch was waiting for us. After this we went to see our house which is not as close to being ready for us as we hoped. The plan now is to be able to move in by April 9th. It is very close to finished but because of ongoing construction it is covered in dust. It is going to very sweet when it is all finished but to a very tired family it was a little overwhelming. Madalyn stood in the closet and cried because her house was dirty. I considered joining her…
But after a good night’s sleep, the world feels much better. We walked back to the house today and with less people there we were able to look around and getting a better picture of the finished project. The outside is a wonderful yellow and makes me so happy.
Lowell has already figured out where his first garden will be and paced out the area to build a wall so that he can have some goats, chickens and a pig. All of this is not just for our own use but to model how to compost and use the manure for fertilizer for gardens. It will also be his stress release but that is another story.
We have found someone to start Creole lessons with and will begin before the week is out. My biggest challenge, I have decided is to just try to speak and not worry about looking dumb… I know this will happen but it is the only way to learn to speak. So like a little child, I am just making myself attempt new words. Madalyn and I visited with the wash ladies today. There were 2 little girls playing there who were very shy. She tried to get them to dance with her and the one of the mothers changed her shoes for her. They always seem to be on the wrong feet. I learned the word for friend, puppy, and child and heard many names. Guess I have to start somewhere….
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