Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Scottish Compassion Medical Team and a boat ride

We have a team of 21 doctors, nurses and dentists from the UK. In the 2 weeks that they are here they will meet needs of people from 4 different communities. We also have 3 men working on the beginning stages of our new guest house and a 3 person surgical team at the hospital. It is a busy month but it so awesome to see the lives being touched. One of the communities is up the coast from us and due to the amount of people needing to get there and the shortage of vehicles, we took them up on the Breezy Sea boat but it is too large to come into the small docks there so Lowell used his inflatable boat to ferry the team onto shore. Madalyn and I went along as well as our friends Javen and Emily, while the team worked in the hot village of Gros Mangle we guarded the boats and took turns looking for fun things on the bottom of the ocean (otherwise known as snorkeling) I found it hard to believe how cold the water was there just up the coast from us. About an hour before we were supposed to start bringing them back to the boat, Lowell, Madalyn and I went in to see where they were working. Madalyn is doing really good with everyone wanting to touch her and being the center of all the children no longer seems to scare her which is a blessing. We are so thankful for the gift of the inflatable boat and for all our great friends that are here to help the people of Haiti. We praise God for letting us be a part of the work here.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friends from York PA dontated a boat to our Community health project. It arrived in Country in Oct but just cleared customs this week. Lowell was very excited to get it today and put it together the first chance he got!!! Madalyn practised rowing it but Lowell cant wait to use it with the outboard motor that came too. Thank you Friends!!
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