Saturday, June 30, 2012

Many new Bible lesson's have been written and will be taught in the mountains in the next few months.  These are life changing principles about being freed from spiritual bondage and praying against spiritual warfare.  Please keep our trainers in your prayer!!  Pray as the lessons are passed from trainers to agents to families that they will keep there Biblical integrity and that many will understand and accept these truth,
 The Bible truths in these hands have the Power of God to change lives on La Gonave for God's Glory!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Big Thank You- to God, Dr Kris and Community Health

In our pilot village of Fontina, where God has been changing lives and making a healthier community, lives a godly man named Sekay.  He is a leader in his community and has taken every lesson taught and embraced it for his family and the needs of his people.  Village Health Haiti would not be moving around the island like it is without the help of this man.  God worked a life saving miracle for him by sending our team to Fontina.  When we agree to work in an area, each family receives the health book that was written by our own Dr Kris Theade; she has been a missionary in Haiti for many years. 
Sekay was using his machete in the field and it slipped and hit him in the leg; where he lives in the mountains is over an hour away from our Wesleyan Hospital and with the amount of blood being lost he would surely bleed to death before reaching it.  Sekay remembered reading about how to stop bleeding in the health book, after hurrying to make a tourniquet he was able to travel to the hospital and receive stitches. 
Sekay says that the health book saved his life.  He wanted us to thank Dr Kris and each one who is making Village health possible.  We also thank you for saving the life of a great leader in the mountains of La Gonave.